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What is headless?

Headless is a term used to describe a web application that is not visible to the user. In our case Headless UI means a library that provides the functionality and leaves the user to style it.

This library is heavily inspired by Headless UI created by the team at Tailwind.


Vue Headless UI is currently in alpha status. API changes may occur at any time.


While the Headless UI is a great library, and falls short when it comes to form inputs and other elements. This library aims to cover a greather scope with more components and a heavy focus on form inputs.

Basic example

This is what using headless looks like in terms of API. This is an example for creating a headless input:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import { HInput, HInputField, HInputLabel, HInputError } from "vue-headless-ui";

const model = ref<null | string>(null);

  <h-input v-model="model">
    <h-input-label text="Example Label" />
    <h-input-field />
    <h-input-error />

The HInputLabel, HInputField and HInputError can be rearranged in any order.

Released under the MIT License.